Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Well I may not be an athlete in the Summer 2008 Olympics but I am a Ravthlete in the Ravelympics. I decided I really don’t have too much going on right now and the excitement of deadlines and time constraints kind of suits me so I’ve joined the flock.

I debated a great deal with this idea because I don’t have too much that I thought would be a change for this time frame. I desperately want to knit the Gretel pattern. I bought the pattern and I bought the yarn, but I know that the time involved in that would not be that much. I estimate it would be less then a week. So I didn’t want to choose that project. I do want to knit some socks but I don’t think I want to do that on a deadline. Socks for me are more the portable easy project. Not something to rush to finish and spend all my time on. So the only other things I want to knit is sweaters.

So I’ve joined the Sweater Sprinters Event on Ravelry. The team I chose seems to be a fitting team for this kind of task….Team HO, aka Team Hopelessly Overcommitted. Plus the team’s icon is killer.

So my mission is to Knit a sweater start to finish in the time span of the Summer Olympics, or die trying. Okay maybe that’s a bit dramatic maybe just do some series damage to my fingers from trying to knit a million miles an hour and perhaps a little heat exhaustion from have a wool sweater on my lap during some of the hottest days of the year. I guess there’s always the chance of dehydration caused by my drive to just knit one more row just one more row.