Wednesday, August 20, 2008

When life throws you a....

Well life through me in a strange sort of direction recently. I've had to deal with my life and its movements alot in that past few weeks and although I feel that I'm going in the right direction I've been neglecting my knitting :( So sad.

But an update on my projects is still needed. I've decided against the sweater. Although I bought the beautiful yarn and was all set to get started I just don't have the time needed to devote so much energy to that right now. I hope once life slows back down and there's only a half dozen items on my plate (versus the million on there now...okay might be exaggerating a little there.)

But I have nearly completed a sock for the sock put. I've been working on these punk rocker cool socks with Hot pink socks and black toes heels and stripes at the top of the cuff. I also have finished the cuff of another sock but have left that be until the ravelympics are completed. So for now it seems small projects might be my forte. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Who doesn't need hand knit socks.

1 comment:

Stacy Kraus McDonald said...

I'm with you on the hurdles life puts in your way.... sounds like you are muddling through them all with a great attitude!

Looking forward to sock pictures!