Saturday, August 23, 2008

Ooo Oooo another Mystic KAL

I've found out this spring that I'm in love with the KAL. I first joined Mystic Lights in March. And I've been reflecting now that it's a good thing that mystic lights was free to join because that was really the entry I needed to get me hooked to Anna's designs for life. Hello My Name is QA-Girl and I'm a knitaholic. Well not quite that bad, yet.

So I've now signed up for Mystic Earth. I'm really very excited. At first I wasn't thinking I would sign up for Mystic Earth when it came around. Mostly because I was think this was going to be another triangular shawl, and although I love my Mystic Lights I just don't really think I'd use another triangle shawl. While I love the mystic meadows shape and design I find the wool a little scratchy so I often use mystic lights since the yarn is so nice.

So here comes this pattern for a rectangular shawl in lace weight yarn. Which I just so happen to have more then 1600yards of this fantastic Lacey Lamb Wool in the most beautiful peachy tangerine orange color that I've been loving since I bought but haven't had a pattern for. So, I'm in.

I'm not too sure what it is about the KAL that I love so much, but I do love them. I think it might be the time line and the challenge. Or maybe its all the groupness about it. What ever it is I'm glad I've discovered them.

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