Thursday, July 31, 2008

Training for the Ravelympics: Yarn Shopping

So I’ve been kinda going back and forth with what exactly I’m going to knit for the Ravelympics2008. I’ve already put in a sweater and joined that event. At first I was thinking I’d do the Ribbed Zip Cardigan in Last minute knits. But I’m really not feeling that just yet. What I do want to knit, or should I say desperately want to knit is the Green Gables Sweater from the Vogue Fall/Winter 08. I’m fearful that this may be a bit too ambitious. Can I really knit that in such a limited time?

So in preparation for this attempt…if I can keep up my nerve and actually attempt this borderline insane plan. I’ve purchased the yarn for the project. I’m actually really excited over the yarn I bought. I ordered from Webs, Debbie Bliss Donegal Chunky Tweed. I really wanted a golden like color and thought this yarn will be great. Plus the yardage should be right on and best of all it was on sale.

So now all I have to do is wait for the yarn…..waiting really isn’t one of my better skills but what can I do.

Back up plan: I’ve joined the Sock Put too. I figure if the Sweater is too ambitious there’s always plenty of socks and sock yarns.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Well I may not be an athlete in the Summer 2008 Olympics but I am a Ravthlete in the Ravelympics. I decided I really don’t have too much going on right now and the excitement of deadlines and time constraints kind of suits me so I’ve joined the flock.

I debated a great deal with this idea because I don’t have too much that I thought would be a change for this time frame. I desperately want to knit the Gretel pattern. I bought the pattern and I bought the yarn, but I know that the time involved in that would not be that much. I estimate it would be less then a week. So I didn’t want to choose that project. I do want to knit some socks but I don’t think I want to do that on a deadline. Socks for me are more the portable easy project. Not something to rush to finish and spend all my time on. So the only other things I want to knit is sweaters.

So I’ve joined the Sweater Sprinters Event on Ravelry. The team I chose seems to be a fitting team for this kind of task….Team HO, aka Team Hopelessly Overcommitted. Plus the team’s icon is killer.

So my mission is to Knit a sweater start to finish in the time span of the Summer Olympics, or die trying. Okay maybe that’s a bit dramatic maybe just do some series damage to my fingers from trying to knit a million miles an hour and perhaps a little heat exhaustion from have a wool sweater on my lap during some of the hottest days of the year. I guess there’s always the chance of dehydration caused by my drive to just knit one more row just one more row.

Monday, July 28, 2008

July's February Lady Sweater

I did it! I finished my first sweater. It’s the February Lady Sweater. I used Knit Picks Shine in the terracotta color. It’s a cotton worsted weight yarn. I really like the sweater I think it looks good. I made the smallest size available on the pattern and went up a size in the needles to the size 9s. The only thing I question about mine is the width of the sleeves; the sleeves are pretty wide and I’m not sure I would repeat the sleeves the same way if I was to re-knit the sweater but even so I’m really happy with the results. The lace pattern is really nice. I’m thinking this might require some matching socks!!

I actually got the opportunity to wear the sweater which in the middle of the summer is an impressive feat in itself. My nephew’s birthday party was at an ice skating rink. It must have been my lucky day because I had just finished off the sweater the day before. No pics just yet though.

It did become apparent while knitting the cardigan that the yarn has some strong tendencies towards shedding. I noticed this fuzz layer accumulating all over my clothes. It almost looked like change of seasons in Fraggle Rock. So I gave the sweater a good washing and tired to dislodge any of those remaining stragglers. I have the sweater blocking but I’m thinking all that yarn and the damp air… it might take some time to dry and finally get some decent pictures.

And on the job front……..
Well over a month after I applied and the decision still has not been made on the position. I did at least get a call back to let me know this information though so I guess that’s better then sitting here waiting.

Monday, July 14, 2008

You know what grinds my gears….

So this all began way back in May, that’s right I said May. I applied for an internal job. I talk with the hiring manager she says the recruiter will be calling me that they’re going to want to interview me. So then I wait, weeks go by and so does my hope for that interview. Then it happens, more then a month after I post for the job I get the call, that yes they want to meet me. Whoo hooo. So I go for the interview it goes fine and as the day is coming to a close I ask the normal question

“So when can I expect to hear from you?”

I get the response the week of July 7th, but you’ll probably hear back sooner. Okay so now this is a normal thing to ask and to want to know right?? The answer great I can deal with that two weeks is okay, if I have to wait I guess. But then the week of the 7th happens and nothing NOTHING. So I’m left feeling insecure and crazy.

Don’t they know what this is doing to me?????

Can’t they tell I’m the world’s most impatient and insecure person? Are they toying with my emotions?

So as my sanity slowly slips further and further from my grasps I am left to wait…. because the decision will not be made till the end of the week.

Thursday, July 10, 2008


So I left work on Wednesday feeling a little bummed. I’ve interviewed for a new position in the parent company of my current employer. I had hoped to hear back about the job. So when it came time to leave feeling a little depressed and doubtful about the prospect of the new position I decided I needed a pick me up. So I stopped at the LYS for a little fiber fix. And OMG did that work like a charm. I bought a skein of bright pink yarn Madelintosh Pop Rocks and decided I would pair that up with the remainder of a skein of Dream In Color Smooshy yarn in Happy Forrest. I’ve named them Watermelon. Well I went right home and balled up the yarn and cast on for the socks. I’m loving the color combo. I’ve knit three rows at top in the Green, then switched to the pink. I’ve decided to knit the cuff in the pink; which won’t be too big since I really like ankle socks much better. Then I’m thinking a couple more rows of green before I do the heel in pink. The foot is going green and the toes in pink. I think these are gonna be some fun little sockies!!

Mystic Meadows is off the needles

Well I’ve finished Mystic Meadows. I really enjoyed knitting this project and really feel much more comfortable in my lace knitting and in fact knitting all together after this project. I feel like now with the lace charts, I can read my knitting and fix it much much much easier. So in that sense this project was a great success. However, (there had to be a however right) I am more then just a little disappointed with the yarn. I bought 3 skeins of the same yarn, same dye lot and everything and have three very different looking variegation of that color way. In skein form they all looked the same but in fabric form not at all. I am a little heart broken because the shawl when spread out looks absolutely horrible; it looks like I used three different yarns. So I think my advice for this is when using Araucania Ranco only use it on projects that use a single skein or that require striping because the results are more then a little bad. But as long as the shawl it's laid out flat it doesn't look that bad.

I'm still struggling for a picture. Hopefully one to come later.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Mystic Meadows Clue Three

Well my hopes of catching up and finishing the project in the four weeks were not meant to be. After traveling for two out of the four weeks of Mystic Meadows, I just couldn't catch up. I'm still plugging right along though and hope to be finishing the project this upcoming holiday weekend. I'm a little disappointed in the yarn though. I bought two skeins in the same dye lot and there is a very noticeable difference in the colors from one skein to the other. So my mystic meadows is going to be one color on one end and another at the opposite end. I guess that will have to do because I'm thinking there is nothing I can actually do to change that. It still is turning out to be a beautiful project.